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Our Services

Long-Term Talent Acquisition for Rural Areas

The shortage of skilled workers is steadily increasing

The demographic aging is particularly evi­dent in rural areas of many industrialized nations. There is an urgent need for qua­li­fied employees in fields such as healthcare, craftsmanship, industry, and agriculture. This shortage of skilled workers is likely to worsen in non-urban areas in the coming years due to low birth rates, further emigration, and increased mortality.

The consequences are far-reaching

Without immigration from other EU coun­tries and third countries, job positions often remain unfilled. This poses a risk of supply shortages in the healthcare sector, re­lo­ca­tion of companies from structurally weak regions, and a further decline in regional attractiveness.

We offer the solution

With our concepts and hands-on im­ple­men­ta­tion support, we address the shortage of skilled workers in rural areas. Our services, focused on sustainability and local in­te­gra­tion, provide you with significant ad­van­tages:

  • Attracting and retaining skilled workers

  • Securing revenues and the quality of your services

  • Preserving or developing locations

  • Optimizing personnel management

Our services at a glance

In order to successfully manage your personnel acquisition and retention, we offer you a multi-faceted, comprehensive range of services:

Workshops & Trainings

In workshops, we develop support formats in operation and society, for example, with management levels, employees, and muni­ci­pal actors. This forms the basis for the guarantee of success that we provide to our customers. If needed, we also prepare your company for the arrival of new colleagues. We design in-house further education, such as intercultural trainings or support for team-building processes, in cooperation with recognised experts.

Personnel Analysis

We analyse your personnel requirements and, working side by side with you, develop concepts for recruiting and retaining skilled workers that are tailored to your specific needs. This includes recruiting personnel as well as potential-oriented recruitment stra­te­gies and their implementation.

Often, human resources departments are overwhelmed. We are happy to support you in personnel planning, determining turnover rates and vacancy periods, as well as resulting additional expenses and loss of return on investment, or organisational changes that make your company more attractive.


Just as society is changing, for example aging and digitalisation, work processes are also changing. This is not new. What is new, however, is the speed and complexity of the changes in work and society. In order to support your company in coping with the need for personnel and organisational adjustments, we accom­pany you with the help of agile methods as part of an INQA coaching program.

Staff Recruitment

We work nationwide and internationally in cooperation with experts and scientists from various disciplines. In active dis­cus­sion with you, we identify the specific demand for skilled workers in your com­pany and region.

Our clients are companies, business asso­cia­tions, and political decision-makers looking for skilled workers. We determine the regions of origin for their recruitment and selection worldwide based on your spe­ci­fi­ca­tions and scientific knowledge.

Our services also include preparing the re­cei­ving regions and companies. We im­ple­ment the concepts we have developed and accompany them with scientifically sound and practice-oriented expertise.

Our services include, for example:

  • Identification of potential source regions for recruiting skilled workers
  • Development of specific recruitment strategies in selected source regions, elaboration of promising approaches, and continuous adaptation of recruit­ment processes
  • Targeted and comprehensive pre­pa­ra­tion of the receiving region, its po­pu­la­tion, companies, and civil society institutions
  • Development and implementation of a communication and integration strategy using innovative dialogue formats


We accompany and train you and your staff in the integration of new colleagues.

This offers the following advantages:

  • Reduced risk of returning or migrating skilled workers and improved cost-effectiveness in companies.
  • The foundation for regional re­vi­tali­sation, for example, in the form of sports clubs, cultural offerings, or expanded networks. This increases the attrac­tive­ness of your location.
  • As a result of these positive de­ve­lop­ments, we observe an improvement in the quality of living and residential conditions, leading to a general decrease in migration rates and the upgrading and transformation of rural locations.

„Home becomes open even to those who have not always been local. Through participation, the place becomes one's own, loses its foreignness, and one wants to care for and protect it.“

Gesine Schwan