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About us

Glocal HR Concept GmbH

Our core competencies

We are a dynamic company specialising in the re­cruit­ment, selection, and integration of skilled workers from third countries for regions far away from metropolitan areas. Our range of services, supported by re­search findings, places a strong focus on people and aims at recruit­ment and re­ten­tion strategies equally.

A team of specialists

Our team consists of specialists who are assembled according to the specific tasks at hand. We collaborate with experts, local decision-makers, and opinion leaders from various fields and levels of society.

Successful strategies

We have found that many newly acquired skilled workers often migrate to urban areas or decide against living in rural, peripheral regions from the beginning. Through targeted and locally embedded measures, we can sig­ni­fi­cant­ly reduce the risk of such migrations.

Our experience, knowledge, skills, and tools enable us to develop and implement effective, reliable, and promising strategies with local decision-makers and citizens.

Our target audience

  • Companies and corporate groups,

  • Business associations,

  • Institutions and

  • Political decision-makers,

who have an interest in sustainable re­cruit­ment of workers and are willing to explore innovative and promising paths.

What we stand for

Our approach at Glocal HR Concept GmbH places great value on the involvement of all stakeholders, is knowledge-based, and stands for quality management.

  • Holistic approach

  • Sustainability
  • Innovation and
  • Flexibility

Quality Management

To ensure the quality of our services and our success, we have implemented a quality management system based on the following standards:
  • Rules of the Max Planck Society for responsible handling of research freedom and risks
  • Quality standards and professional principles of the Federal Association of German Management Consultants BDU e.V.
  • Requirements and guidelines of the INQA Coaching

Our mission statement

Labour markets are subject to constant change, influenced by demographic change, digitisation, and shifting values. To make your company more attractive as an employer in the competition for qualified workers, we aim to align ourselves with the sustainability goals of the United Nations:

Partnership to achieve the goals

In our team, with our clients, workers from source regions, and the local population in tar­get regions, we cultivate a collaborative part­ner­ship.

Reducing inequality

The OECD defines integration as the oppor­tu­nity to offer equal participation opportunities to all residents of a population group. We are wor­king to fulfil this promise through our approach.

Quality education

Together with companies, employees, edu­ca­tio­nal institutions, and immi­grants, we develop adaptation qua­li­fi­ca­tions and implement them. With you, we lay the foundations for high-qua­li­ty and international education.

Health and well-being

In many regions of Germany, adequate care can­not be guaranteed without the sustainable immigration of health personnel. An inclusive soc­ie­ty pro­mo­tes the well-being of all its mem­bers.

Peace, justice and strong institutions

We believe that integration and equal op­por­tu­ni­ties, as we promote them in our approach, are the foundations of social peace. Through in­clu­sive citizen dialogues, we contribute to creating and preserving this peace.

Sustainable cities and communities

We support rural communities in increasing their attractiveness for both locals and immi­grants. This forms the basis for a permanent settle­ment of immigrants, rejuvenation, and en­rich­ment of the local community.

Decent work and economic growth

Together with our clients, we ensure that immi­grant skilled workers work under the same con­di­tions as locals and receive appropriate sup­port during the adjustment phase. This creates the basis for sustainable settlement and the stabilisation of regional economic cycles.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

We consider the perspectives of all stake­hol­ders and establish new forms of collaboration between local actors. This promotes the so­lu­tion of societal challenges, social change, and creates conditions for transferability. By doing this, we establish social innovations that im­prove healthcare, alleviate regional de­popu­la­tion, and revitalise communities.

„Innovation is always what is not yet suitable for the majority; what is already suitable for the majority is mainstream; it eventually solidifies into orthodoxy - and is then ripe for replacement by renewed innovation.“