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Dr. phil. Andreas Siegert

Managing Director Dr. Andreas Siegert awarded Federal Cross of Merit

Our managing director brings an impressive combination of academic and practical experience to our work. Here are some of his most important qualifications and experiences:

  • Education
    • Diploma in Business Administration and MBA, studying economics in Berlin and Cambridge
    • Ph.D. at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University in Hanover with a thesis on the migration pattern of Russian academics.
  • Competencies
    • Bringing his many years of experience as mana­ging director of a management consulting com­pany
    • Several years of international consulting ex­pe­rien­ce among others as a scientific project leader
    • Authorized INQA Coach
  • Awards
    • Development and implementation of the practice-oriented research series "anKommen - willKommen", which was awar­ded the Federal Sustainability Prize in the category of society in 2019
    • Awarded the Medal of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for his long-standing outstanding achievements in re­crui­ting and integrating foreign professionals in structurally weak areas


We are proud to present selected pu­bli­ca­tions and interviews that provide insights into the theoretical foun­da­tions of our ho­lis­tic methodology. These publications reflect our commitment to evidence-based prac­tice and confirm our status as industry experts.

Selected publications

  • „The Skilled Immigration Act: Built on sand.“ in the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Newspaper, page 19, 04.08.2023.

  • „On socialization, patriotism and trust: the migration of homeward-bound Russian academics“ in Nationalities Papers, issue 6, November 2011, pages 977 – 995.
  • „Transaction costs and skilled labour recruitment: An explanatory approach based on institutional economics," in IWH Discussion Papers, no. 11, September 2013.
  • „Migration Patterns of Russian Academics: On Global Labor Markets and Local Trust“ im The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change (publication forthcoming).
  • „The further developed Skilled Immigration Act: Built on sand. Without 'oomph' and prospects of success" in the Journal of Foreigners Law and Foreigners Policy, ZAR 7/23, S. 246-255.

With such comprehensive experience and a recognised track record in the de­ve­lop­ment and implementation of innovative personnel strategies, Dr. Siegert and his team are ready to support you and your company in optimising your human potential based on jointly developed criteria.

Are you looking for support in holistic community development and sustainable personnel recruitment?